Česky     English


16. 12. 2024 Dear fans of our museum! We would like to invite you to the first special Christmas exhibition of historic electric Christmas lights. You will be able to see the Christmas lights on live trees, which were lent to us for the exhibition by the family gardening company Chalachev Žatec u Telče and which you will be able to buy after the exhibition. Apart from Christmas lights, the exhibition also includes a carved Třešt' nativity scene by Mr. Aleš Hink. Thanks to the Třešt' nativity-scene makers, the exhibition will also become a part of the Třešt' Nativity Trail, stop number 27. We wish you a relaxing and peaceful Christmas and look forward to your visit!

27. 9. 2024 Dear visitors, this year season in Tesla Museum is coming to its end and the museum door will open to the public for the last time on Saturday 28th September. Further tours will be available by a prior phone or email appointment only. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you again next spring. Tesla Museum Collective.

11. 9. 2024
Dear visitors, we would like to kindly invite you to a lecture evening under the title Night of Scientists, which will take place on Friday, 27 September at the Museum of Highlands Jihlava, Třešt' (Schumpeter House). One of the lectures on the topic "Transformations of Television" was prepared by members of our Club (Tesla Museum). Starting at 16.30, detailed programme can be found here: https://mvji.cz/akce/noc-vedcu-trest At the same time, from 8 am to 10 pm, the Tesla Museum will be open, including an exhibition of measuring technology. Admission to this tour is free.

1. 9. 2024 
Dear fans! On 7.9. there will be an open day of the historical heritage in Třešt', which our museum will also participate in. This year you have one of the last opportunities to visit our museum and, if you are interested, also our depositories and to look behind the usually closed doors that hide many other gems of our collections. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 7, from 9 am to 5 pm! Admission to this event is completely free.

5. 8. 2024
On 10.8., the company Telč Local Railways has prepared a special steam ride "Trip to the Tesla Museum" You can take a steam train from Telč to see our museum and come back. Departure from Telč is at 9:40. The full timetable of the steam trains can be found here (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=908537217973514&set=pcb.908538897973346). The passengers with a valid ticket for this special ride at our museum on this day will get surprised by a special "steam" entrance fee of only 70Kč per person. Of course, persons under 15 years of age and disabled persons pay no entrance fee. So this year you have a unique opportunity to fully enjoy history and fun not only on the railway! We are looking forward to your visit!

29. 7. 2024
On Sunday 4 August, an entertainment programme will be held at the train station in Třešt' on the occasion of this year's steam summer. If you come by train or just come to have a look around, our museum will also be open on this day and we will be happy to welcome you! We are going to be open for you all the time from 9:00 to 17:00.

2. 7. 2024
On Friday and Saturday, 5th – 6th July, the traditional Třešt' woodcarving is held in the garden of J. A. Schumpeter's house. Since Friday is also a holiday, besides this event, our museum will be open for you and we will be happy to welcome you there as well! It is going to be open on Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Saturday, traditionally from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We are looking forward to your visit!

7. 5. 2024
Dear visitors! Even though we are a museum of historical technology, we have listened to your wishes and from now on you can pay for the admission and souvenirs with credit cards, phones or smart watches. We look forward to your visit!

6. 5. 2024
Dear visitors and fans of our museum! For this year we have prepared a brand new interactive exhibition of measuring technology as an extra gift for you. You will be able to try your hand at working with historical measuring technology and other interesting pieces from our collections. The exhibition will run from 8 May to 30 September and is open during the opening hours, or by prior arrangement on other dates, and is part of a guided tour.

27. 3. 2024
Dear fans and supporters of our museum. After the winter sleep, we are ready to boast with our expositions again. We are looking forward to welcome you in our museum on Saturday 30th March in our standard opening hours: 9am-5pm. The opening hours for the other days stay the same as it was in the last years: Wednesday and Saturday 9am-5pm. If you need to come in a different time slot, contact us in advance or call our guide to make an appointment.
We are looking forward to your visit.

2. 3. 2024 -
Dear supporters and visitors,
We would like to announce you with pride that our museum has been nominated for the third time int he prestigious poll of thš Vysošina Region Golden Rowanberry in the Care for Cultural Heritage category, for the reconstruction of the roof and the construction of depositories in our historical building. Our nomination can be found HERE. We would like to ask for your support and your vote and in case you find it interesing, please pass on the voting information to your family, friends or colleagues who could also support us with their vote. The voting form can be found on the website of the Vysočina Region https://extranet.kr-vysocina.cz/zlata-jerabina/ Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you again from 30th March 2024 when this year's museum season is going to start.

5. 11. 2023
Dear visitors and fans of our museum. In the upcoming months we are going to prepare new expositions and change the existing ones. To have space for such work we have to close the museum during the time of the reconstruction. It won’t be possible to arrange the tours on the prior phone call. Thanks for understanding and we believe to make the interesting new show tours for the year 2024. We are looking forward to seeing you in April 2024.

2. 10. 2023
Dear museum visitors and fans. The last day of September was the last day of our regular opening hours. Thank you very much for your favour. The museum will keep being available now for the visitors with the prior phone or email booking only, call us and we will provide for your visit. The next regular opening time will come in April 2024, we are looking forward to seeing you in our expositions then.

29. 8. 2023
Dear museum fans and visitors. On Saturday 9th September there will the open house day in Třešť and our museum is going to be its part. It offers you a unique opportunity to visit our museum, its expositions and exhibition completely free or charge. On that special day, guided by our curators, you will also be allowed to look behind the closed door of our depository and to get informed about our collection by the specialists. The open-house day takes part all over our town, after visiting us you can also visit other open sights and museums of Třešť.
The same day is the final one for the exhibition “Srdce která vyhasla” by our colleague ing. Milan Hurban. You will, therefore, have the last opportunity to see the unique pictures of our largest radio transmitter’s hearts and to recall the atmosphere of the transmission rooms in our newly reconstructed museum cellar.

26. 4. 2023
Dear Museum visitors and fans. As you may know, this year we are celebrating 20 years of our existence and for this important anniversary, among other actions, we have prepared a new Wander Card. The Anniversary Wander Card V-233 will be had in our museum since Wednesday 26th April. If you collect the cards, you should not have it escaped. Thank you for your favour and we are looking forward to your visit!

18. 3. 2023
Dear visitors and fans of our museum. In this anniversary year, we managed to gain the presentation space in the international exhibition AMPER 2023 at Brno exhibition grounds. In case you visit Ampér, you can see out stall in Pavilion P under the number P5.33. We are going to show there our achievements together with the Czech Radio club between 21st and 23rd March. We are looking forward to see you there!

3. 3. 2023
Dear visitors and fans of our museum! We would like to greet you in the anniversary year 2023, in which our museum celebrates 20 years of its existence in the pretty little town Třešť in the Highlands. For this reason, this year, we are going to prepare verious actions and exhibitions which we are going to announce in our websites and surely in the media as well. We are looking forward to seeing you regularly since 1st April 2023 every Wednesday and Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM.

25. 9. 2022
Dear visitors and fans of our museum. Autumn has come and so has the end of the tourist season in our museum. We would like to invite you to the last day of guided tours, which will take place on a holiday on Wednesday 28th September 8 am to 5 pm.
The same day, you can also personally contribute to rescue one of the important technical monuments endangered by the upcoming destruction. In our museum, you can sign the petition organised by Spolek přátel obce Liblice for the preservation of the transmission masts, which are an important technical monument and also the tallest structure in the Czech Republic.
We would like to thank you for your favour and we are going to prepare some new interesting exhibits in our exposition in the next year. They will be available not only for seeing but also for touching and trying so that you could imagine the vastness of our biggest producer of electronic equipment’s production. For the impatient ones of you, we are still offering the possibility to book an individual visit during the month of October by calling the cellular number 608 46 49 47.

5. 9. 2022
Dear fans of our museum! We would like to invite you to the European Heritage Day, which our museum is taking part in and which takes place on the 10th September from 9 am to 5 pm. All day long, a specialized guide will be available and on request, it will be possible to have a look behind the door of our depository, where normally, you cannot come. There is no admission during the event. We would also like to remind you of the other monuments and places of interest in our town which have an open day, so you may spend a pleasant weekend in Trest! We are looking forward to seeing you!

31. 7. 2022
Dear museum fans. On the occasion of the steam rides and the cultural morning at the railway station in Třešť, we would like to welcome you in our museum Tesla too. It is going to be open on Saturday 6th August and Sunday 7th August between 9 am and 6 pm and no prior reservation is needed. If you are interested, you can also see the depositories of the museums under construction, which is a place you cannot visit during the average museum tour. We are looking forward to your visit!

26. 6. 2022
Dear Museum visitors and supporters! On 5th and 6th July, the 20th anniversary of Wood Cutting will take place in the garden of Schumpeter’s House, the Nativity-Scene Society is its organiser. On this occasion, our museum will be open for the Wood-Cutting visitors too. The museum will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday 9AM to 5PM. The specialized guides will be present both days, so you will be able to listen to their commentary. No reservation will be needed.

28. 3. 2022
Dear fans of our museum. Spring is at the door and so we began to get the museum ready for the new season. We are looking forward to seeing you again after the winter sleep in full power and without limits from Saturday 2nd April 2022 on, on the same days as in the last year, that is on Wednesdays and Saturdays 9:00-17:00. To arrange any different date will be possible for groups consisting of at least 5 adults. The admission is the same as in the last year. We are looking forward to your visit!

24. 12. 2022
Dear museum fans. Thanks to a kind permission of Michal Rejcha, we could supplement our web with a very rare picture of the construction of the shelter "Tomato Warehouse". As you can see in the picture, its construction was made under all the thoroughness, the material was not spared, which is why our tomatoes exist until now and will go on existing for some more time. In case you have any similar pictures from the very beginnings of the shelter S7 existence or any information that would enrich our research of this object, we would like to kindly ask you for a copy emailed at stastny@muzeumtesla.cz. We also want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a lot of happiness and health in the New Year! Our founder together with the whole team of Museum Tesla are looking forward to seeing you again in our museum or S7 shelter.

12. 12. 2021
Dear Museum Tesla and radio broadcasting followers. You may have found out that Cesky Rozhlas is going to finish its broadcasting in all the AM frequencies at the end of this year. Since it is quite an important step, Historický radioklub československý, the founder of Museum Tesla, published a statement which you can read here (Czech only). The end of broadcasting is not possible to prevent now, but the HRCS club is going to make all the effort to save the important AM transmitters from their complete disassemble, and to make them preserved and maintained for the possible future use. In case you want to support us in this matter, the email zruseniam@muzeumtesla.cz  is here for you.

31 .10 . 2021
Dear museum visitors and fans! Winter time has begun and so since 31st October our museum has been closed for the regular tours. We would like to thank you for your visits this year. Since our newly set opening hours proved to be a good idea we are going to continue in it in 2022 thanks to the Town Trest support. Even in the wintertime, the tours for minimally 5 people can be made in advance by e-mail or a phone call.
To let you peak into our museum even in the long winter evenings, our colleague and the Measuring-Devices department manager Ing,. Lukáš Petřík created a virtual guide for you. You can see the museum expositions and find the necessary information about them on: http://virtualnipruvodce.muzeumtesla.cz as same as under the link on the museum homepage. We are looking forward to seeing you in person regularly again in the beginning of April 2022 and we can promise some news to be prepared in our expositions.

3. 10. 2021
Dear visitors of our museum. Due to the continual interest in tours of our museum, thanks to Town Trest contribution, we decided to extend the regular opening season till the end of October. In case you haven't visited our museum yet or you are interested in our news, you still have a chance to make your visit. The opening days are Wednesdays and Saturdays 9 AM to 5 PM. For booking the tours in other days, you must book it in advance, it may be made for the tour of at least 5 visitors at our contact telephone number or email. Thank you for your visit and we are looking forward to seeing you!

17. 7. 2021
Dear visitors and museum fans! At the occasion of “Steam Summer” in our local railway line, we would like to invite you to the Open Day. Between 31st July and 1st August till 5PM you can visit not only our guided tour through the exposition with some news, but you can also have a peek into the normally closed depositary premises, to the places normally inaccessible to visitors. For these days there is no fee for the guide services. Please take care of keeping the up-to-date epidemiological regulations, mainly of wearing a nano face mask or a respirator inside the buildings. We are looking forward to your visit!

17. 7. 2021
Steam Summer in our local railway line
Parní léto

1. 6. 2021
Dear fans of out museum. We would like to announce we open again for the visitors on 1. 6. 2021. Now, our museum is open with no prior arrangements. Thanks to our cooperation with Town Trest we were given a regular guide, due to that fact we can open two days a week: on Wednesdays and Saturdays 9-17 with the lunch break 12-13 o'clock. In case of interest, a guided tour can be arranged even outside these days for bigger groups. The arrangements must be made in advance, ideally by an email prohlidky@muzeumtesla.cz or by phone +420 608 46 49 47.

6. 3. 2021
Dear Museum Followers! We would like to thank you for your grace in this complicated time and we are proud to announce that our building and improving effort was again rewarded by the nomination for the prestigious award of Region Vysocina: Golden Rowanberry in cultural heritage branch. You can see our achievement in the annotation and if you like it, we would be grateful for your vote for us in Region Vysocina website. https://extranet.kr-vysocina.cz/zlata-jerabina  We would also like you to forward the information of our nomination to your friends and buddies. We are looking forward to meeting you in our museum's show route, hopefully in the near future!
Zlatá jeřabina Zlatá jeřabina

24. 12. 2020
Dear visitors and our museum fans. We would like to thank you for your ongoing support in this a bit strange year and to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a lot of good health, happiness and success in the New Year. At the same time we would like to invite you to follow our websites, in which we are soon about to introduce the news and plans for the next year 2021.

18. 8. 2020
On the Day of Cultural Heritage 12th September 10AM to 5PM and on Saturday 13th September 10AM to 3PM the museum will be open for general public without the necessity to make an order in advance

18. 8. 2020
Dear visitors of Museum Tesla. Unfortunately, at the moment we are not able to provide the accessibility of the museum to the public for all the email and phone orders made in advance. The museum will be temporarily open only in the irregular dates, which are going to be published on these websites with the adequate advance. We apologize to all the visitors and those interested in visiting us for the possible complications.

17.7. 2018
On 4th-5th and on 11th-12th August Museum Tesla organises the Open Day of the museum. On the tours the visitors will be able to see not only the newly prepared expositions but also to have a glimpse of the depositary and the spaces inaccessible on the regular tours. The Open Days are a part of the “Steam Summer” and of the celebration of 120th anniversary of the Kostelec-Slavonice railway. You can come to visit our Open Day by the steam train and you can watch the programme right from the museum building. We are looking forward to your visit!

17.7. 2018
Dear Visitors and fans of our museum! We are sorry to inform you that this year we haven’t received the permission of the owner of S7 object for making our summer tours there. Regarding the prepared Open Days and Steam Summer days we are afraid, we will not be able to organise these tours even in case we get the permission later this year. We are going to try to arrange for the tours on the World Heritage Day (Sat. 8th September) at least. We are sorry for not having better news for you. For the course of events regarding object S7 please follow our websites.

27. 12. 2017
Dear museum visitors and followers. The end of the year has approached and I would like to thank you on behalf of the whole museum staff for your favour and also for appreciation of our work, which we got in the form of nomination and second position in the prestigious competition Golden Rowanberry held by Region Vysočina. We are very grateful for your favour and votes and we may promise not to rest on our laurels but to try to prepare new expositions, interesting exhibitions and cultural events not only in our museum but also in S7 shelter in the upcoming year. Follow our websites for updates.
For the end of this year we prepared the night tours of our museum, which can be made by prior arrangement over the phone 608 625 420 every day between 17,30 – 21,00 o’clock. You can be the first to see the latest exhibit in our Industrial Radio Technique exhibition. It’s worth seeing!
I would like to finish by wishing you happy New Year, good health, well-being, a lot of personal and professional achievements and of good experiences not only in Museum Tesla.
On behalf of museum staff– Jiří Šťastný

2. 7. 2017 –
Dear visitors! From today on, you can start booking tickets for the guided tours in the top secret “Tomato Warehouse”, which we have prepared for the third time in cooperation with ZSMV and city Trest. The booking form is available in our web http://objednavky.muzeumtesla.cz You can also book by phone in TIC Trest +420 567 234 567. The entrance fee is 100 CZK as same as the last year, there are no reductions. The tickets will be to collect at the door. Be reminded that the tours are not recommended for the people up to 12 years old, for disabled or claustrophobic people. In case of problems with booking, please contact us by email: prohlidky@muzeumtesla.cz we will do our best to solve it.

11.6 -
Museum Tesla in cooperation with ZSMV and city Trest organizes the third season of the guided tours in the top secret “Tomato Warehouse” in Trest, street V Kaštanech. The dates of the guded tours are as follows:

29.7. 8:00-15:30           30.7. 8:00 – 15:00            12.8. 8:00 – 15:30          13.8. 8:00 – 15:00          9.9. 8:00 – 15:00

This year, the tours will be supplemented outside with the presentation of the functional army technique and arms and in September there will also be a discussion and slide-show prepared with the Museum Association Trest, aimed at the construction of the shelter, its importance and utilization of CD in the past and present. The exact program will be to use in early July. The tours must be booked in advance through the form, which will be published on our websites in early July, they can also be booked by phone or in person in TIC Trest. The entrance fee is 100 CZK as same as the last year, there are no reductions. The tickets will be sold at the place. You must come for the tour around 30 minutes prior the booked time. The tours are not applicable for children up to 12 and for the people with reduced mobility or with claustrophobia. We are looking forward to seeing you in our museum!

12. 5
- Dear visitors and friends of our museum!
We would like to inform you that the results of the competition “Golden Rowanberry” held by Region Vysočina, which our museum was nominated into in the category “Upkeep of the Cultural Heritage” for “Renovation of the Historic Granary Building for the Presentation of Museum Tesla”, have officially been announced. We got the wonderful second position and so we would like to thank you this way for your nominations and for your votes sent to our museum! We deeply appreciate your favour and we are surely going to continue in further reconstructions and adaptations of the exhibition spaces and expositions. Thank you very much and we are looking forward to your visit!

1. 3. 2017
Dear visitors and friends of our museum!
We would like to inform you that the building of our museum was nominated among 30 best ones in category of "Upkeep of the Cultural Heritage" in the prestigious competition "Golden Rowanberry" held by Vysočina Region Office. The nomination is a result of the reconstruction and renovation of the historic granary building a its adaptation for the needs of Museum Tesla. The annotation (in Czech) is available here. We think this is a kind of a respect for all those who have taken part in its reconstruction by their persistent and unselfish work as same as by the material and financial presents. Voting is in course from 1st March on the websites of Vysočina Region http://extranet.kr-vysocina.cz/zlata-jerabina/  Indeed, everybody can vote, so if you have friends or mates who would like to support us too, send them the link for voting. The winners of the competition will be the subjects of a promotion at the first place, but they will also receive the financial present, which will be certainly needed for financing of the future work of reconstruction.
In case you want to support us, please vote and keep the fingers crossed for us!

7. 2. 2017 -
Dear visitors! Despite the fact we are having a very nice winter, the first one in many years our museum is still open for you. We can offer you the tours of the two permanent expositions, but also of the new exhibits from the field of the professional TV technology, which we managed to get into our collection. If you come to Trest be sure to call us and to visit our museum.

6. 2. 2017 -
Listen to the new instalment of the radio programme „Česko země neznámá“ about our museum: http://www.rozhlas.cz/kraje/cesko/_zprava/v-muzeu-tesla-v-tresti-maji-vysilaci-pult-z-ceskeho-rozhlasu-i-prvni-ceske-pocitace--1694595

23. 8. 2016
- Listen to the interview for Czech Rozhlas about the S7 object  http://prehravac.rozhlas.cz/audio/3672007

12. 7. 2016 -
Museum Tesla in cooperation with ZSMV and city Trest organises the second year of guided tours in S7 object in Trest. The tours are going to take place as a part of "Steam Summer" in Trest and this year they will be supplemented by interesting events in the upper part of the object. Thanks to our colleagues from History and Documentation Group: fortifikace z. s. (www.fortifikace.cz) there will also be accessible an exhibition of the pictures from similar objects in the Czech Republic, supplemented with information on structure of CO, its commandment, and information for civilians. In August we will also offer the examples of historical army health and car technics by Airsoft Team Highlander Jihlava. (http://fortbenning.webnode.cz)

Guided tours date and time:
30. 7. 2016   8:00 - 15:30
31. 7. 2016   8:00 - 15:00
13. 8. 2016   8:00 - 15:30
14. 8. 2016   8:00 - 15:00
3. 9. 2016     8:00 - 15:00

The tours start every 30 minutes. One group consists of max. 20 visitors. The tour takes 60 minutes. Entrance fee is 100 CZK, no reduction is possible. The tour must be booked in advance by web form  or by a phone or e-mail to TIC Trest.  No visitor can take part in a tour without previous booking! Regarding to propositions and site of the object the tour is not recommended to disabled people and to children up to 12 years old.

8. 5. 2016 -
Dear visitors! We would like to invite you to see a brand new vitual 3D view of your museum, which was prepared for you by the members of association:  Historie, Dokumentace, Fortifikace z.s., www.fotrifikace.cz Hopefully it will put you in the right mood for visiting the museum.

27. 3. 2016
Dear visitors! After a longer technical break we are happy to welcome you again in our expositions, which are going to be fully accessible again from 1st April 2016 on. If you are interested in visiting us call us please or write at least two days in advance. The phone is 608 625 420 or e-mail prohlidky@muzeumtesla.cz. We are looking forward to seeing you!

8. 1. 2016
From 11. 1. 2016 until recalled all Museum expostiions are closed due to the technical reasons.

10. 12. 2015
For the winter time, our museum has prepared for you special evening and night tours. You can enjoy the special atmosphere of our expositions enhanced by the enlightening of our expositions. We have also prepared the samples of the working historical devices, which you can use for listening of records, cassettes and tapes with music during the tour. You can also bring your own music for the tour and to use it to recall your favourite composers or songs. The tours will be held every Friday and Saturday at 18:00 – 20:00 and 20:00-22:00.
On Friday there is a special time for tours: 22:00-00:00. The tours must be reserved in advance through email: prohlidky@muzeumtesla.cz or by phone: +420 608 625 420. Minimum count of people in one tour is 2 persons, maximum is 15 people. The entrance fee is 30CZK per person. (No reductions are offered)
With regard to the cold weather, we are to recommend you some warmer clothes; the museum is not heated up! With regard to the worse visibility in the interiors of the museum the tours are not recommended for children and people with bad sight. During visit you can buy our Wander Card No. CZ 3206 and gain our stamp. We are looking forward to your visit!

25. 8. 2015 -
5.9.2015 on the occasion of the Heritage Days Museum Tesla organises the Open Day, on which occasion you can visit our museum and see the areas, which are usually closed for the general public. The show routes without a guide take place from 10 to 18. Guided tours are going to be held every hour. Entrance fee is voluntary.

25. 8. 2015 -
5.9.2015 Museum Tesla in cooperation with ZSMV and city Trest organises this year last exploration of secrets of S-7 object in Trest. The show route is accessible only when you book in advance via web form, where you can also find more information. The show route will be open from 8 to 16 and the entrance fee is 100 CZK a person. Each visitor is going to gain an Absolvent's Tourist Card.

20. 7. 2015 -
In cooperation with the Facility Services for the Ministry of the Interior our museum managed to open a new tourist route in the top secret object S-7 in Trest named: The Secret of S7 Object in Trest, or What Can Be Hidden in the (Extra)Ordinary Tomato Storehouse. The tourist route will be open from 8th to 9th August from 8 o'clock on. The route takes an hour to go through and it is necessary to book it in advance via web form or by phone at the Town Information Centre Trest tel.:+420 567 234 567

14. 6. 2015 - We would like to invite you to the opening of a new permanent exhibition of "Heavy Radio technics" - The opening for the general public is scheduled for 26th July 2015 around 2 pm at the occasion of the Open Day (25th - 26th July 2015). The new exposition of broadcasting technology and of technology for the clearance of radio and TV broadcasting will be open after the essential reconstruction of the exhibition space itself and after replacing and adding the newly restored exhibits. Some big radio transmitters will be exhibited: a unique time-mark and telegraph transmitters (from the ships or the big stationary ones). On top of that you may see the directional radio workplace and the check-in TV broadcasting workplace, which will be operating. The exposition will be followed by the exhibition of the history of radio receivers from crystals to the luxury stereo units. As usual, the whole exhibition will, of course, show the products of the Czechoslovakian companies, most of all those ones made by Tesla.

21. 4. 2015 - Our museum has its own wander card! http://en.wander-book.com/trip/3206-muzeum-tesla-v-tresti.htm  We are looking forward to your visit!

10. 2. 2014 - Museum sites are being prepared for you. We are sorry for the temporary inaccessibility or non-functionality of some links.


(C) 2017-2021, Historicky radioklub ceskoslovensky, webdesign by Jan Koumar, www.koumar.eu